[Mind-Culture Coevolution Home] [Tech Evol Contents] :BIBLNOTE Bibliographic Note Listed here are some books that cover all, or a large part of, the history of technology, and some that may help you grasp the concepts that I introduce. Williams, Trevor I[lltyd] 1987 _THE HISTORY OF INVENTION: From Stone Axes to Silicon Chips_. London: Macdonald & Co (Publishers) Ltd & New York: Facts on File Publications. = HInv The best 1-volume history of technology I know of. Williams worked with Singer on the Oxford _History of Technology_ and edited the last two volumes (on the pres- ent century) himself. After thirty years, he has produced a broad survey, with less detail and far more pictures, many in color. He covers enough areas of technology, enough regions of the Earth, and a long enough epoch; he provides maps and timelines. Mokyr, Joel 1990 _THE LEVER OF RICHES: TECHNOLOGICAL CREATIVITY AND ECONOM- IC PROGRESS_. New York: Oxford University Press. = LVRR Rev _Journal of Social and Biological Structures_ 14:360- 363 / Hays, David G. Closest in outlook to this diskbook. Basalla, George 1988 _THE EVOLUTION OF TECHNOLOGY_. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. = GBET You may notice a duplication of title here. George Ber- nard Shaw wrote, in the preface to his _Summer Lightning_, that he would be glad if his were recognized as one of the hundred best books with that title. Basalla's book came to my attention only after I had laid my plans, and his material and argument are quite different. His themes are diversity throughout the past, necessity as the mother of invention, and evolution as "an organic analogy" (p. vii). He denounces necessity, and considers evolution to be a matter of change by very small steps. But Basalla chooses his examples idiosyncratically, including some remarkable failures among the successes. Well worth a look. McNeil, Ian, editor 1990 _AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY_. London and New York: Routledge. = EHTc A thousand pages, $88, not to be taken lightly. It may serve many of the purposes for which one had to turn to Singer--and perhaps with fewer of the errors that critics pointed to in the Singer History. Armytage, W. H. G. 1961 _A SOCIAL HISTORY OF ENGINEERING_. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA & London: Faber. = SHEg Derry, T[homas] K[ingston] [1905- ] & Williams, Trevor I. 1960 _A SHORT HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO A.D. 1900_. London & New York: Oxford University Press. = SHTy 1970 Paper The bias is toward Europe and the Mediterranean. Facts from _Oxford History of Technology_ presented in narrative form. Social, economic, and technological factors are stressed. Pacey, Arnold 1990 _TECHNOLOGY IN WORLD CIVILIZATION: A THOUSAND-YEAR HISTO- RY_. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. = TWCv Global technology from AD 700 to now. Gille, Bertrand [1920- ], et al., eds. 1978 _HISTOIRE DES TECHNIQUES: TECHNIQUE ET CIVILISATIONS, TECHNIQUE ET SCIENCES_. Paris: Gallimard. = HTCS 1986 _THE HISTORY OF TECHNIQUES_. Southgate, P. & Wil- liamson, T., trans; Keller, A., terminology; Kranakis, E.F., bibliography. New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. Western technology consists of "systems", consisting in turn of "technical structures" (tools or processes), "technical ensembles" (combinations of techniques) or "concatenations of technical ensembles". (Oleson 208) Pacey, Arnold 1974 _THE MAZE OF INGENUITY: IDEAS AND IDEALISM IN THE DEVELOP- MENT OF TECHNOLOGY_. London: Allen Lane. = MzII 1975 New York: Holmes and Meier. 1976 Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Burke, James [1936- ] 1978 _CONNECTIONS_. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. Broad coverage, with many illustrations; a favorite of some readers. A quick scan revealed to me no sensible order of presentation. Clark, Ronald W[illiam] 1985 _WORKS OF MAN: A HISTORY OF INVENTION AND ENGINEERING FROM THE PYRAMIDS TO THE SPACE SHUTTLE_. New York: Viking. = WkMn The dust jacket overlays a shuttle on a pyramid. A heavi- ly illustrated, popular book--a coffee-table book. _A HISTORY OF THE MACHINE_ 1979 Designed and produced by AB Nordbok, Gothenburg, Sweden; Sigvard Strandh, writer; Ann Henning, trans. New York: A&W Publishers, Inc., New York. = HyMc Many good drawings, some of them reconstructions of ma- chines that had been imagined but never built nor even drawn. A coffee-table book with flair. Singer, Charles Joseph [1876-1960], Holmyard, E. J. Hall, M. R. & Williams, Trevor I., eds 1954 A HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY. Oxford [Eng.] & New York: Cla- rendon Press. 5 volumes. = HsTc The major history of technology in English; to 1899. 1954 Vol 1, _FROM EARLY TIMES TO FALL OF ANCIENT EM- PIRES C. 500 B.C._ 1957 Vol 2, _THE MEDITERRANEAN CIVILIZATIONS AND THE MIDDLE AGES, C. 700 B.C TO C. A.D. 1500. 1957 Vol 3, _FROM THE RENAISSANCE TO THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, C. 1500 - C. 1750. 1958 Vol 4, _THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION C 1750 TO C 1850_. 1958 Vol 5, _THE LATE NINETEENTH CENTURY, C. 1850 TO C. 1900_. Daumas, Maurice / Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Paris 1962 -79 Editor. _HISTOIRE GENERALE DES TECHNIQUES_. 5 vols. Presses universitaires de France, Paris. = HGTc 1969-78 _THE HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY AND INVENTION: PROG- RESS THROUGH THE AGES_. Trans. Eileen B. Hennessy. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc. 1969 Vol 1, _The Origins of Technological Civilization_. 1969 Vol 2, _The First Stages of Mechanization_. 1978 Vol 3, _The Expansion of Mechanization, 1725-1860_. Levinson, Paul 1988 _MIND AT LARGE: KNOWING IN THE TECHNOLOGICAL AGE_. JAI Press Inc., Greenwich, CT. = MatL I quote my review in the _Journal of Social and Biological Structures_, 14/1: "The author [who is president of Connected Education] is an optimist, a rationalist, a Kantian, and a McLuhanite ... He is also a Popperian fallibilist and an evolutionist ... These, roughly speaking, are the positions that he argues for in _Mind at Large_. Now, I hold positions not far from these, although I have too strong a sense of the possibility of intellectual, cultural, or sociopolitical failure to be an optimist (I settle for neutrality), and I have been called a neo-Kantian, more psychologist than philosopher. All in all, I have little reason to attack any of the positions that Levinson defends, but I can disagree with some aspects of his defense. "The book does not lend itself to summation in a sentence or a paragraph. Evolved knowing is necessarily fallible, and fallible knowing can evolve without limit. Rationali- ty and technology transform the mechanism of evolution. Technology makes visible the working of mind. These and other themes are developed, but it remains for some later book to resolve them into one single theme. I am not aware of any extant book that accomplishes that purpose; we are not there yet." Bernal, John Desmond [1901- ] 1969 _SCIENCE IN HISTORY_. 4 vols. Penguin. = ScHy Bugliarello, George & Doner, Dean B., eds. 1979 _THE HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF TECHNOLOGY_. Symposium on the History and Philosophy of Technology, Chicago, 1973. Kranzberg, Melvin, intro. `Urbana: University of Illinois Press. = HPhT Dobzhansky, Theodosius & Boesiger, Ernest 1983 _HUMAN CULTURE: A MOMENT IN EVOLUTION_. Edited and com- pleted by Bruce Wallace. New York: Columbia University Press. = HCME Ferguson, Eugene S. 1968 _BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY_. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. = BHTC _NEW BOOK OF WORLD RANKINGS_ 1991 New York: Facts On File. = NBWR Toynbee, Arnold J. [1889-1975] 1920 -1961. _A STUDY OF HISTORY_. 12 vols. Oxford Universi- ty Press. StHy 1972 1-vol illus abridgement. Toynbee and Jane Caplan. New York: Weathervane Books. Any reader who does not have at least a thin layer of knowledge about the whole range of human history might want to have this book at hand. But there are other one-volume world histories. Stein, Werner 1946 _KULTURFAHRPLAN_. 1975 Grun, Bernard, _THE TIMETABLES OF HISTORY_. New York: Simon & Schuster. = TtHy Asimov, Isaac [1920- ] 1989 _ASIMOV'S CHRONOLOGY OF SCIENCE AND DISCOVERY_. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers. = ACSD Explaining science to a layman is never an easy task, and explaining the significance of a discovery in its own time is particularly difficult. In about 2000 short state- ments, Asimov gives the background, states the discovery, and often adds a remark on application or importance to future workers. He is terse and almost always clear. "In Addition" he mentions social and political events. Wettereau, Bruce 1990 _THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOK OF CHRONOLOGIES_. New York: Prentice Hall Press. = NYBC About 200 chronological listings. 22 are in the chapter on technology; other chapters cover "U.S. Business, Com- merce, and Economics" and "Science". _THE HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY: A NARRATIVE CHRONOLOGY_ 1987 New York: Facts on File. = HTNC _THE TIMETABLE OF TECHNOLOGY_ 1982 Prepared by Patrick Harpur and Marshall Editions, Ltd. New York: Hearst Books. = TtTc The twentieth century, year by year. Gartmann, Heinz [1917- ] 1959 _SONST STUNDE DIE WELT STILL: Das grosse Ringen um das Neue._ Dusseldorf: Econ Verlag GmbH. 1959 _RINGS AROUND THE WORLD: Man's Progress from Steam Engine to Satellite_. Readett, Alan G., trans. New York: William Morrow & Company. = RatW 1959 _SCIENCE AS HISTORY: The Story of Man's Technologi- cal Progress from Steam Engine to Satellite_. Readett, Alan G., trans. London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd. A German who is very fond of telling us about the critics who said it couldn't be done, and were aghast when it was.
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